
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Fitting in

Q. How do I quickly fit into a new job?

There are several ways, let me just focus on the two most important ones.

1. The "WHAT"
Ask your manager what he/she expects of you and by when. Keep that constantly in your active awareness as you go through your day at work and outside of work. You will automatically find yourself observing, learning, saying and doing things in alignment with what's being expected of you.

2. The "HOW"
Besides all active interactions with your colleagues, notice the unspoken laws and chemistry between people at the work place. Observe how people are going about their day in the office. who comes in when, who stays back late, who spends time with whom, who occupies the meeting rooms most of the time, who prefer working by themselves, who are the whiners, who smile the most, whats' on the display boards around the office, who sits where especially in team meetings, the tone of emails internally and so on. Over time, you will be able to clear out individual personality traits and start noticing patters that emerge as the underlying prevalent cultural ecosystem. 

Embrace this "How" and focus on delivering the "What" and you will "fit in" in no time. However, the real question you want to start asking is whether you really want to "fit in"?

My answers to interesting questions on Quora

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